Monday, May 30, 2005

TV: Infomercials

Local network affiliates should really be banned from showing infomercials. It's beneath them, and lowers the standing of the networks. It demeans television itself! I don't mind if the low-watt channels with the numbers above "13" and Andy Griffith re-runs show infomercials.

WFAA, ABC's affiliate in Dallas was showing one last night. It was set up to look like a talk show. The "guest" was Kevin Trudeau, a name well-known to the Federal Trade Commission. I think I've seen him before as the "host", but maybe those legal settlements mean he can't be the interviewer anymore. He was hawking a book about pain treatment. (He's been banned from appearing on infomercials, but this ban exempts infomercials for books. So, guess what, he's selling a book.)

Anyway, what was interesting was the lack of chemistry between Trudeau and the "interviewer". Trudeau kept asking rhetorical questions - and the interviewer jumped in to answer them. Trudeau was obviously annoyed by these interruptions. He needs to hire someone who will keep to the script.

A Google search for "Kevin Trudeau" turned up some web sites that attack his integrity, just so that they can sell you something shady themselves. That's a pretty swell accomplishment - becoming a watchword for "sleaze" that other sleazy people can use.

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