Monday, May 23, 2005

Feeble Attempt At Humour

Whimsical Monday Whimsy

The next Harry Potter installment comes out on July 16th. It's called "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Half Biscuit". Harry gets married in this one, I hear from a reliable source - a 4-year-old with a drinking problem. He also says, "Harry buys a house in space, and then he fights a dinosaur, and then he does a pooh - what are you looking at? Come over here and say that, doody-head."

If I win the Lottery, I'm going to install a swimming pool - in my front yard, right on the street. I'm going to pay actors to loll about in the pool all day long. They will wave cheerfully at passing drivers.

News organisations are being very careful in light of recent events. The BBC has admitted that "It's A Knockout" audiences were not, in fact, going potty. Stuart Hall has been put on administrative leave while a committee investigates.

For those of you with children who are ready to learn to ride a bicycle: convince your offspring that they should start out on a unicycle, since one wheel is obviously easier than two.

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