Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Feeble Attempt At Humour

So there I was, walking down Euless Main Street, minding no one's business, not even my own.

I heard a clip-clop approaching. I looked around and saw a pony trotting in the same direction, pulling a simple two-wheeled open carriage behind it. The carriage was empty. "That's odd," I thought, and carried on walking.

The pony caught up with me, and stopped slightly ahead. He turned his head, as if to invite me aboard. No, I imagined that. I started walking again. The pony pulled ahead, stopped again. I wasn't imagining it. He whinnied and gestured again with his head for me to climb on the carriage.

I stood there and thought about it. The pony gave me a threatening look. "Begod, I'd better do it," I thought.

Just as I was about to step up onto the carriage, a man came running from the other side of the road.

"Don't do it!" he cried. "It's a trap!"

1 comment:

Pat said...

I should explain that a "trap" is a two-wheeled carriage on springs. Now is the joke funny?