Sunday, February 04, 2007

Cryptic Crossword: 11x5

It's my widest crossword yet!
1 2 3 4 5 6


1. Secret family of French children's author. (11)
7. Direction to corner of Pacific Avenue and Marvin Gardens. (2,3,4,2)
8. Hopes report cleared up the air we breathe. (11)


1. One training for "An Officer, Not A Gentleman" gets "Alien" sequel. (5)
2. Test for fetal problems is extracted from groin, marked, and put back. (5)
3. Heavy metal singer embraces abstainer - "Same again!" (5)
4. Small instrument girl found in "Vanity Fair". (5)
5. Offspring put into circulation. (5)
6. Reduced in rank, Doctor of Divinity leaves to behave theatrically. (5)

1 comment:

Pat said...

Congrats to Eric for getting them all right (with some help from his daughter's science book).

1. Clandestine (clan + de + Stine
7. Do not pass go (Monopoly)
8. Troposphere (anagram of "hopes report")

1. Cadet (Cad + E.T.)
2. Amnio (part of "groin marked", reversed)
3. Ditto (Dio around TT)
4. Sharp (s=small + harp, character in "Vanity Fair")
5. Issue (two meanings: "offspring" and "put into circulation")
6. Emote ("demoted" - "DD")