Thursday, August 19, 2004

Words: Neologisms

Some neologisms (original, I hope):

  • Nespot - A dictator who inherited his position (for example, Baby Doc Duvalier).
  • Matrimoney - A dowry; fee paid to a mail-order bride.
  • Gnomad - A very small wanderer.
  • Perpspiration - The sweat of a guilty criminal in a police line-up.
  • Sellabit - Abstaining from sex, except when prostituting oneself.
  • Hummerrhoids - Extremely painful lumps in the rectum that are wished upon the owners of large SUVs.
  • Parisite - Freeloader who attaches himself or herself to a wealthy hotel heiress.
  • Hilton Head - Sexual favour received from a wealthy hotel heiress.

Okay, it looks like I was beaten to Parisite. And Hilton Head. And Gnomad. And maybe Sellabit.

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